Beauty tips

Beauty Tips for Beginners


First and foremost, it is crucial for us to take care of our eyebrows, by regular trimming and perhaps a few drops of castor oil spread on top to make them grow thicker. Then, we will take our eyebrow shape and face shape into account, and make sure that the outline we draw is synonymous with it.  

Now, coming towards the actual filling of the eyebrows. There is an array of makeup choices available like eyebrow pencils, brow gels, brow mascaras pomades, powders, creams, etc. to help us achieve the perfect brow. Choose a color that is similar to your natural eyebrow color to prevent your makeup from looking harsh.  

We will start by brushing our eyebrows upwards and outwards using a spoolie and filling in the sparse areas with the product in light, small strokes. Make sure the products you use (makeup or brushes) have fine tips for more precise brows. After this, we will move on to creating an outline for our eyebrows. You can map out the outline of your eyebrow by using your eyes as a guide. The inner corner of your eye extended using an imaginary line will tell you where your eyebrows start, whereas the outer corner will tell you where they end. You may extend the tail of the eyebrow and accentuate the arch for a more dramatic finish.  

Lastly, apply a clear eyebrow gel to prevent your makeup from budging and add a pop of highlighter or shimmery eyeshadow on your brow bone to complete the makeup look and create perfect eyebrows! 

Let’s Talk

We could all use a little help when we enter a certain phase in our lives and stepping into the world of beauty and makeup is no different. Here are seven tips to make your beauty routines easier and more fun:  

  • First and foremost, take care of your skin. If the canvas isn’t maintained, whatever you layer on top will not matter. Start a basic skincare routine and if you have any problems, do visit a dermatologist! And never forgo sun protection. If you want to look young when you’re older, the best way is to protect yourself from the harmful rays of the sun.  

  • Choose a foundation that matches your skin color, so it looks natural and radiant. Many sites, like, will help you choose the right shade. 

  •  Remember, makeup should be layered on gradually to avoid a cakey face. You don’t need a huge amount of concealer or foundation. Find out what works best for you!  

  • Use the right makeup tools for the products you are using. Invest in a few good brushes and beauty blenders or sponges. These are multi-purpose and you can use them in several ways. And don’t forget to clean them too! At least once a week, all your makeup tools should be washed and dried to prevent bacteria from making them their homes.  

  • Maintain and do your eyebrows to perfection, it will up your makeup game like you will not believe. Boss babe vibes! 

  •  Don’t spend too much money buying an array of eyeshadow palettes. Go for one that has a lot of color options and is of better quality. You’ll get your money’s worth, and the color payoff and variation you need! 

  •  Use a setting spray after completing your beauty routine to prevent your makeup from melting off or creasing. If you have dry skin, go for a hydrating mist. Oily skinned people should go for matte setting sprays.